Friday, 6 November 2015

Music magazine Contents Page Before and After

This was my first attempt at a contents page. Similarly to the double page spread, was not entirely happy as it did not look like a legitimate contents page. the biggest problem with this was the secondary image of my friend Dan. This was  a problem as it did not look professional as it was simply a picture of a boy in a school uniform. I also did not really like the use of yellow and pink all over the page, as it looked a bit tacky.

I decided I would start my double page from scratch. I still used the same image for John Lennon, and I used colours pinks and yellow, but I used both of these in a more subtle and professional way. I also added the competition, which made my magazine more interactive for my target audience. Finally I also added an image of the cavern club which I took myself. With these improvements my work looks a lot more successful and complete than my first attempt, and I believe that overall this is a very good contents page.


  1. You have gone to so much trouble in the photo shoot with the main central image, yet the secondary image is a school lad with his tie and headphones hanging out- watch the registration of the contents list.
